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Friday 13 November 2015

Another successful procedure at ILHT Lahore.

Another successful procedure at ILHT Lahore.

Posted by ILHT Pakistan on Monday, October 5, 2015

Sunday 30 August 2015

Hair Transplant Results

"A Satisfied Client" in Karachi.

Posted by ILHT Pakistan on Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Thursday 16 April 2015

The harsh and severe risks of facial hair restoration surgery

For every man, hair is very important and especially a facial hair transplant can give him a new sense of self-respect and self-belief. In any kind of surgical method, there are always some possible risks involved in the surgery. Before having any hair transplant method, you should know the after possible hazards. It is during the healing method that creates the most hazards for things to go wrong with a facial hair transplant procedure because there are small cuts in the skin so, any harmful infection will occur. Normally these infections are simply treated with good antibiotics.

Though it is a very uncommon situation because the doctor take care all of the safety measures but, there is also a possibility of deep scarring from a facial hair transplant surgery. One part is most sensitive and vulnerable to scarring is the central part right below the lower lip of the face. This is why some transplant surgeons are not transplanting hair in this small and susceptible area to avoid the possibility of scarring.

Numbness or lack of sensation in the recipient area is ordinary but, it should be always temporary. Normally the loss of sensation will vanish itself within two to three months after the facial hair transplant surgery. There is also a chance that newly transplanted hairs will not endure and the process will require a second session in order to get the preferred outcome. If you want to keep away from all negative side effects, then you should follow your doctor's post-op orders because the instruction will reduce most of the possible risks and turn your facial hair transplant surgery into a success.

Friday 27 March 2015

What does the patient feel after hair transplant surgery and how does he look like?

After hair transplant surgery procedure, the majority of the patients report only mild to moderate pain and discomfort, which may be related with some tightness, numbness, burning, irritation, inflammation in the donor area. These postoperative post-operation symptoms settle down within a day or two. The doctor will be checking the patient’s scalp area at every step of hair transplant. After surgery, the patient will have tiny and small red spots where the hair was transplanted and these red spots look like a brush burn where the hair was transplanted. If the patient hair has a small length, the back donor site will be completely cover-up.

The surgeons mostly do not cover the scalp with any dressing bandage after hair transplant surgery and the patient will be discharged with a special secure net cap to wear overnight and this cap will remind the patient not to touch the newly implanted area. However, after the head wrap dressing or cap is removed, the patient will observe a little redness and a few “scabs” at many of the newly hair graft sites which normally decrease by the end of the first week. Keep this thing in mind that don’t touch or disturb the newly planted grafts in any case. You may also observe some tiny clips in the donor area. The surgeon will remove these clips after seven days of hair transplant surgery. It is very rare for patients to complain of major pain with clip removal.

Friday 13 March 2015

FUE Surgery

Sunday 8 February 2015

Is “Stem Cell” injections are better option than hair transplant surgery?

Today, many hair loss treatments exist in the hair loss cure management. One of the hair loss cure techniques is called Stem Cell injections. Basically Stem cells are small progenitor cells found in our body and human hair follicles also contain stem cells, which helps in hair growth. In this procedure, Stem cell injection method is expected to work by activating already existing stem cells on the patient’s scalp, which have the potential to repair human tissue by forming new hair follicles. But, the problem is that this method is more effective than hair transplantation surgery? And the answer is no because, hair loss treatment involving stems cell injections is purely an experimental based method. What’s more, these surgical methods are usually experimental for a reason; stem cells are powerful, dominant, rapidly changing cells but, possess serious unpleasant side effects. Some of the accidental outcomes of stem cells include abnormal cell growth, body immune system issues, and even different types of cancer. These are the some serious issues and that is why stem cells must be researched and carefully studied before used as a medical hair loss treatment.

Due to this reason, stem cell injections are currently not a suggested as a hair loss treatment. Opposed to the effective and reliable hairtransplant surgery, stem cell injections have not been evaluated and proven secure and successful. Altogether, this leads to one very chief and major conclusion that the stem cell injections are not suggested for the cure of hair loss at this point in time.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Is it good and safe for a patient to fly after hair transplantation surgery?

Many people are still confused on this matter and there are so many mixed reviews came by many researcher or doctors when it comes to flying after hair transplant surgery.

Several hair transplant specialists suggest flying the day after surgery because they consider it safe and they suggests that patients should visit the hair transplant clinic the day after the surgical method for a post-operative wash and checkup, and then fly where ever he/she wants. These hair transplantation doctors think that the forehead and facial swelling problems are sometimes associated with hair transplantation and they confirm arises the second or third day after the surgical procedure. 

And if a patient wants to fly so it’s better he/she should fly before this inflammation phase begins because it is usually easier for the patients.

However, the other doctors are not on this theory and they think that the patients should rest at home for a few days and in this time the wounds on scalp will heal and recover completely. This resting phase helps ensure patients don’t accidentally disturb the newly implanted follicular units and affect the overall surgical method yield.

On the other hand, many hair loss surgeons do not believe on the changes, which is caused by pressure and elevation related with flying. The flying will never cause any excessive bleeding or damage to the newly hair grafts of the patient. This means if a patient actually wants to fly the day after hair transplant surgical operation. He can fly but, it’s better to discuss this matter to his doctor.

Sunday 25 January 2015

Use of Mini and Micro Grafts in Hair Transplant Surgery

Aside from the treatment of both male and female pattern balding, hair transplant surgery utilizing micro and mini grafts is excessively used as a part of hair transplant repair methodology. Due to their little size, the micro and mini grafts have lower metabolic necessity than the fitting plugs and have more endurance rate over the follicular units, which can be harmed during analysis. Since these grafts have the capacity effectively become on smoldered scalp or fibroid areas, they appear to hold a high guarantee for the reconstructive hair transplant surgeries.

Just precautionary measures that hair transplant surgery with these micro and mini grafts is that the dismembered micro and mini grafts are to be embedded into the scalp as quick as could reasonably be expected after a silt is made. Transplanting of the grafts in the briefest conceivable time expands the shots of the hair follicles surviving the hair transplant systems and really develops into hair. To hurry up the aforementioned hair transplant surgery method, assistance from the right hand is taken who quickly embeds a graft into the opening when it is made by the hair transplant specialist. The edges utilized for the surgery are so little and sharp they leave practically no discernible scar on the scalp.
Appropriate protection of these micro and mini grafts all through the course of hair transplant surgery is of most extreme significance. The grafts are kept in Petri-plates loaded with saline in order to keep them damp. During long techniques taking more than 3-4 hours, the Petri-dishes having theses grafts in saline are put away over a basin loaded with ice.

A method, which holds benefit for any hair transplant surgery, is the procedure of embedding the grafts in route to leave the epidermis of the graft surface to the epidermis of the receiver site. The point of this hair transplant surgery technique is to prevent the development of inclusion cyst at the insertion focuses. It’s true that the grafts look rough after the hair transplant surgery. However, after curing, the epidermis of the grafts begin transforming into an outside layer and takes around 11 to 14 days to at last shed. The transplanted region now gets to be smooth, as it was before. At the same time, the hair development gets to be clear it keeps on improving. The advancement like the utilization of mini and micro grafts and follicular unit transplants has incredibly enhanced the hair transplant surgery.